God provides a choice all through the Bible. Joshua's command to "choose this day whom ye will serve" - followed by his promise that, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"(Josh.24:15) - is the most famous of such verses. But, it exists throughout the Bible. Adam and Eve had to choose to trust the Lord in a sinless world or bring sin into the world, for instance. Elijah, in 1 Kings 18, had a famous debate with the servants of the false god Baal in which he challenged the people to choose whom they would serve.
Such a time is coming now to America.
Spiritual Warfare Getting Worse
I, Doug, posted in a personal blog about the need to pray that the devil not counterfeit anything in Los Angeles. There is a real danger of false doctrine there. Now, we not only need to trust the Lord to get us through that - and stay away from idols ourselves - but also we must pray for God's protection. it was announced that. As Pastor JD Farag noted in his weekly prophecy update, a replica of a temple to Baal is being placed in New York City and London - something that is a very huge deal.
(EDIT: The following week's update shared a change in plans which was announced with no explanation, but clearly it was true at one point. We don't know for sure but we do know prayer works!)
Now, first, let me put on my reporter cap and say I'm trusting Pastor Farag with his vetting of these stories. He seems to be someone who isn't prone to sensationalism, though he gets a little excited at times over things in the Middle East because of his concern for his homeland and the Jewish people.(An Arab, he was born in and has family in the Middle East.) So, like a reporter who has heard something from a seemingly reliable source and checked a few sites himself, I'm letting you know what I've heard.
However, whether or not it was true, America still has huge problems, and it is vital that we choose this day whom we will serve, just as the people did in Elijah's time. Even without the evil arch coming to New York, America is still filled with idolatry. It is not just idols made with hands that can't see or hear or anything, like the Bible talks about. Our idols - some of which are discussed in this show - are all those things we value ahead of God.
Beware of False Unity
Sadly, given the way this country has gone, it would not
surprise me if the story was correct, however. Sometimes, unity has been pushed at the expense of the absolute truth of God's Word. Unity can be bad, obviously, just as when people unite to commit a crime.
There is so much acceptance of such problems that many churches are inundated with people who don't mind the worship of idols. That is why our series on the danger of Masonry in the church was so important. It can be heard in this and this show where a former Mason.discusses his background and why he left, and then in this and this show on Masonry in the church. The crux of the series is that churches need to avoid any leaders or any influence from Masonry because Masons do not believe in salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone as the only way to Heaven. Salvation must be by faith and not by works, as numerous shows of ours like this have said. (You can see our full list of shows here. I'll list and link some specific ones below.)
There is so much acceptance of such problems that many churches are inundated with people who don't mind the worship of idols. That is why our series on the danger of Masonry in the church was so important. It can be heard in this and this show where a former Mason.discusses his background and why he left, and then in this and this show on Masonry in the church. The crux of the series is that churches need to avoid any leaders or any influence from Masonry because Masons do not believe in salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone as the only way to Heaven. Salvation must be by faith and not by works, as numerous shows of ours like this have said. (You can see our full list of shows here. I'll list and link some specific ones below.)
So, America stands at a crossroads. We have been refusing
to take a stand against true evil, while being so caught up in little
things that we don't pay attention to what is important - that being
sound Doctrine. When Paul, in Philippians 4:2-3, tells the ladies to be
of one mind in the Lord, he is talking about those little things and not
about Doctrine.
Sound Doctrine Where We Must Unite
Sound Doctrine Where We Must Unite
I will quote from one of the posts in that personal call to prayer blog I mentioned a few
other times, a blog which shares about how we are all one race, we must repent of 400 years of evil, not just 40, and so on. I will do so to share what things we must be unified in comma but that
post - found here - is important in its own right for emphasizing that
we should be known for what we are for, not just what we are against.
The Deity of Christ as explained here (1, 2) and Christ's Resurrection as discussed here (1, 2) are just a couple of those things we must be united on.
In being light to a dark world, we must shine our lights so that God may be glorified, through how we care for others, help them through things, bear their burdens, and so on as Jesus commands: "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven."(Matt. 5:16) Not so people can see what we are against, but what we are for. God wants us to be edifying - building others up - and the world needs positive things.
One thing we know from His Word is that God is gracious, loving, and personal. He desires a
relationship with each of us. He manifests Himself in three ways, but
this is just like me saying I am legally blind, male, and of medium
build. Three attributes, one person Jesus is God in flesh, as shown here and here,
among other places. The Holy Spirit is also God. That's why the Word is
so important, and why the term "begotten" in John 3:16 is so
meaningful. It means a perfect likeness, having all the attributes;
Jesus as the Son of God is like the Arabic Ibn, not Walad, because it
does not imply physical relations. Jesus is Son of God and also God in
flesh; He just manifested Himself as a person because he had to become
man to die to take the punishment for our sins. Yet because he was also
God, He was sinless and He could rise from the dead, His resurrection
shows we are free from the penalty of sin once we trust Him and call on
Him to save us.
God's grace is full and free. We can't do anything to earn or deserve it.Just as we can't keep ourselves saved, we can't do anything to earn our way to Heaven, because it is "by grace through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not of works, lest any man should boast."(Eph.2:8-9) This is why true, Biblical Christianity(as opposed to the traditions some churches have) is all inclusive. God's gift is free and full for everyone, no matter what - good people by the world's standards and people who have messed up, because if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new."(2 Cor.5:17)
That previous link on Paul's understanding of grace is one of our favorite shows. These (1, 2) on Ephesians 2:1-10 are also great to see how to be unified in God's perfect salvation, who we were and who we've become in Christ. However, we can't overcome evil on our own strength, we need to trust Christ and pray for Him to do so.
That person, like the Apostle Paul, who trusts in Christ has the Spirit in them and the Holy Spirit will constantly work in them to turn them toward the things of God and away from sin. They must fight that temptation, but the Lord will be there to continually help,guide,comfort,etc. He will give wisdom whenever a person asks. And, that person will eventually go to Heaven where there can be no sin - it'll be impossible for them to sin in heaven because Jesus will change them and they won't have the flesh nature anymore.
The Holy Spirit, however, will not create confusion such as gibberish, barking, vomit, etc. - as mentioned in the link above about the devil not counterfeiting things, tongues are known human languages and any such miracles, even in Acts, were not for everyone and only were used to further the Gospel, as discussed in this show.
Christians are to be ambassadors for Christ. We see more and more signs that the world is spinning out of control, and we must show who He is to a world searching for answers. our home is Heaven, but we are here to save sinners from a lost and dying world. We should participate in making things better, but ultimately, we must realize this isn't our final home. I don't know if you've ever thought about how our closest allies felt about Watergate - this article provides a glimpse into British thought. Ambassadors of friendly nations tend to be reserved when it comes to internal problems, but a nation powerful enough to help will certainly offer to help whenever there is a natural disaster. Just like we must help others when the disasters caused by man's sin hurt them.
(Speaking of which, the first of this series (why there is suffering) on Apologetics does a great job of discussing why bad things happen. Also, you will enjoy shows 2, 3, 4, and 5.
God will never leave or forsake a believer.(Heb.13:5) he will discipline - just like He disciplined His people Israel when they kept wandering from Him, including following false gods and doing horrible things like sacrificing children to the false god Molech. God will again deal with Israel as His chosen nation one day, and almost all Bible scholars believe that 1948, when Israel became a nation again, was the starting point to where God would eventually do this during the Tribulation.
Here are five shows on the Millennium, and before that the End Times, showing God still loves Israel - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Things will get worse in the Age of Laodicea, but God can still revive us, but we must turn from our sins. The above on idolatry if one of the ones we've done on brokenness for sin, this on adultery is another that shows thigns we must turn away from and forsake.
There are others, of course, at this page, including a summary of each show. Speaking of man's ways versus God, for instance, here are 4 shows on how Catholicism strays from Biblical salvation and other Bible doctrines. 1, 2, 3, 4. The truth is told in love in every show, as with others where false doctrines are exposed, with the intent to share Christ's love and forgiveness as it is shown in the Bible. These have been linked here as excellent shows where doctrines are discussed if you, the reader, wish to listen.
In fact, in addition to the end of the Apologetics series where we discuss Eastern thought and how it goes against the Gospel of salvation by grace through faith and not works, we also share the doctrinal errors in love of Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses, and what the Bible says about what God has e4stablished as His infallible truth.
So, why do some Christians focus so much on attacking? Part of it is human nature, and the general attack culture we have, whereas Jesus says to love one's enemies, and the Bible says a soft answer turneth away wrath. Part of it is that social media increases the temptation to just lash out rather than construct a well-reasonsed discuss and explain one's points and listen to counterpoints. Part of it is that we don't trust God to be the one to change people who are engaging in certain sins. However, we can't change others, we must rely on the Lord to work in their hearts.
So, I'm sorry if some have acted too judgmental. Just remember that God's Word is the key, not what people say, and in it we are all called to be saved and then to go out and tell others about that wonderful saving grace. And, as clumsy as I am in doing it, hopefully I have reached someone.
Choose Whom You Will Serve
Therefore, consider what God provides - His system is one of love, compassion, goodness, and so many other great things. Remember that the fruits of the Spirit(Gal.5:22-23) are of the Holy Spirit - these are the things God gives to each believer. He does this because he loves us and making us more like Him through love, joy, peace, gentleness, and so on is something that will benefit us and allow us to benefit others, too.
The alternative is selfishness and a constant searching for things that will never satisfy us because we always need more. Not only that, but the things of this world will one day pass away, grow old, and wear out. This entire world will pass away, and all that anyone will have when they die is their soul and any eternal rewards they earn; rewards which will only come to us when we know Jesus Christ as Saviour and serve Him. And, each of us is only a single, sincere prayer of repentance away.
If you don't know Him, you can learn more here. there's even a simpler explanation on our front page with a link to God's Simple Plan of Salvation on another of our site's pages.
God has a way of satisfying us that is perfect. He will always be there for you. Even with my handicaps i know that he loves me and has been a constant guide, comforter, helper, friend, and much more in the 25+ years I've known Him. he will never leave me or forsake me.
So, choose this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
The Deity of Christ as explained here (1, 2) and Christ's Resurrection as discussed here (1, 2) are just a couple of those things we must be united on.
In being light to a dark world, we must shine our lights so that God may be glorified, through how we care for others, help them through things, bear their burdens, and so on as Jesus commands: "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven."(Matt. 5:16) Not so people can see what we are against, but what we are for. God wants us to be edifying - building others up - and the world needs positive things.
not perfect - Christians are all still growing closer to Christ.
Salvation is an instant event,(Rom.10:9-10,13; Acts 16:31; etc.) but sanctification is a process. (This is why one must beware of modern Bible versions that use the Alexandrian text, modern texts do things like changing 1 Peter 2:2
to make it sound like you grow in your salvation when the King James,
from the original Antiochan texts, show clearly growth is through he
Word of God and is only in one's sanctification. This page gives a great description of sanctification and shows it's different from salvation.)
We are human, and thus still sinners saved by grace. If a saved person doesn't show any fruits of the Spirit, they might not be saved, but they also might simply struggle for a variety of reasons; including only slowly grow because of things from their background that stunt them, too. While we each must participate in resisting temptation, ultimately we must humbly accept God's guidance in doing so, since we can't do it on our own. God is the one who keeps us saved.(John 10:28-30,Romans 8:36-3,Jude 24,etc.) So, salvation security is one we must be unified in.
Also, anyone can lie and say they are Christian just like I could lie and say I am the king of Belgium, and yet whatever I do has nothing to with what the real king Belgium is like. Jesus says we'll be known by our fruits, we should be known by our love, etc..So,one should look at God's Word for the truth.
We are human, and thus still sinners saved by grace. If a saved person doesn't show any fruits of the Spirit, they might not be saved, but they also might simply struggle for a variety of reasons; including only slowly grow because of things from their background that stunt them, too. While we each must participate in resisting temptation, ultimately we must humbly accept God's guidance in doing so, since we can't do it on our own. God is the one who keeps us saved.(John 10:28-30,Romans 8:36-3,Jude 24,etc.) So, salvation security is one we must be unified in.
Also, anyone can lie and say they are Christian just like I could lie and say I am the king of Belgium, and yet whatever I do has nothing to with what the real king Belgium is like. Jesus says we'll be known by our fruits, we should be known by our love, etc..So,one should look at God's Word for the truth.
God's grace is full and free. We can't do anything to earn or deserve it.Just as we can't keep ourselves saved, we can't do anything to earn our way to Heaven, because it is "by grace through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not of works, lest any man should boast."(Eph.2:8-9) This is why true, Biblical Christianity(as opposed to the traditions some churches have) is all inclusive. God's gift is free and full for everyone, no matter what - good people by the world's standards and people who have messed up, because if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new."(2 Cor.5:17)
That previous link on Paul's understanding of grace is one of our favorite shows. These (1, 2) on Ephesians 2:1-10 are also great to see how to be unified in God's perfect salvation, who we were and who we've become in Christ. However, we can't overcome evil on our own strength, we need to trust Christ and pray for Him to do so.
That person, like the Apostle Paul, who trusts in Christ has the Spirit in them and the Holy Spirit will constantly work in them to turn them toward the things of God and away from sin. They must fight that temptation, but the Lord will be there to continually help,guide,comfort,etc. He will give wisdom whenever a person asks. And, that person will eventually go to Heaven where there can be no sin - it'll be impossible for them to sin in heaven because Jesus will change them and they won't have the flesh nature anymore.
The Holy Spirit, however, will not create confusion such as gibberish, barking, vomit, etc. - as mentioned in the link above about the devil not counterfeiting things, tongues are known human languages and any such miracles, even in Acts, were not for everyone and only were used to further the Gospel, as discussed in this show.
Christians are to be ambassadors for Christ. We see more and more signs that the world is spinning out of control, and we must show who He is to a world searching for answers. our home is Heaven, but we are here to save sinners from a lost and dying world. We should participate in making things better, but ultimately, we must realize this isn't our final home. I don't know if you've ever thought about how our closest allies felt about Watergate - this article provides a glimpse into British thought. Ambassadors of friendly nations tend to be reserved when it comes to internal problems, but a nation powerful enough to help will certainly offer to help whenever there is a natural disaster. Just like we must help others when the disasters caused by man's sin hurt them.
(Speaking of which, the first of this series (why there is suffering) on Apologetics does a great job of discussing why bad things happen. Also, you will enjoy shows 2, 3, 4, and 5.
God will never leave or forsake a believer.(Heb.13:5) he will discipline - just like He disciplined His people Israel when they kept wandering from Him, including following false gods and doing horrible things like sacrificing children to the false god Molech. God will again deal with Israel as His chosen nation one day, and almost all Bible scholars believe that 1948, when Israel became a nation again, was the starting point to where God would eventually do this during the Tribulation.
Here are five shows on the Millennium, and before that the End Times, showing God still loves Israel - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Things will get worse in the Age of Laodicea, but God can still revive us, but we must turn from our sins. The above on idolatry if one of the ones we've done on brokenness for sin, this on adultery is another that shows thigns we must turn away from and forsake.
There are others, of course, at this page, including a summary of each show. Speaking of man's ways versus God, for instance, here are 4 shows on how Catholicism strays from Biblical salvation and other Bible doctrines. 1, 2, 3, 4. The truth is told in love in every show, as with others where false doctrines are exposed, with the intent to share Christ's love and forgiveness as it is shown in the Bible. These have been linked here as excellent shows where doctrines are discussed if you, the reader, wish to listen.
In fact, in addition to the end of the Apologetics series where we discuss Eastern thought and how it goes against the Gospel of salvation by grace through faith and not works, we also share the doctrinal errors in love of Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses, and what the Bible says about what God has e4stablished as His infallible truth.
So, why do some Christians focus so much on attacking? Part of it is human nature, and the general attack culture we have, whereas Jesus says to love one's enemies, and the Bible says a soft answer turneth away wrath. Part of it is that social media increases the temptation to just lash out rather than construct a well-reasonsed discuss and explain one's points and listen to counterpoints. Part of it is that we don't trust God to be the one to change people who are engaging in certain sins. However, we can't change others, we must rely on the Lord to work in their hearts.
So, I'm sorry if some have acted too judgmental. Just remember that God's Word is the key, not what people say, and in it we are all called to be saved and then to go out and tell others about that wonderful saving grace. And, as clumsy as I am in doing it, hopefully I have reached someone.
Choose Whom You Will Serve
Therefore, consider what God provides - His system is one of love, compassion, goodness, and so many other great things. Remember that the fruits of the Spirit(Gal.5:22-23) are of the Holy Spirit - these are the things God gives to each believer. He does this because he loves us and making us more like Him through love, joy, peace, gentleness, and so on is something that will benefit us and allow us to benefit others, too.
The alternative is selfishness and a constant searching for things that will never satisfy us because we always need more. Not only that, but the things of this world will one day pass away, grow old, and wear out. This entire world will pass away, and all that anyone will have when they die is their soul and any eternal rewards they earn; rewards which will only come to us when we know Jesus Christ as Saviour and serve Him. And, each of us is only a single, sincere prayer of repentance away.
If you don't know Him, you can learn more here. there's even a simpler explanation on our front page with a link to God's Simple Plan of Salvation on another of our site's pages.
God has a way of satisfying us that is perfect. He will always be there for you. Even with my handicaps i know that he loves me and has been a constant guide, comforter, helper, friend, and much more in the 25+ years I've known Him. he will never leave me or forsake me.
So, choose this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
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