Friday, June 26, 2015

How to respond to marriage decision? Don't forget to focus on the Gospel, prayer

In the wake of the Supreme Court decision on marriage, many will take sides on what is right and wrong. God's Word states very explicitly how He created the world and created them "male and female" (Gen.1:26-28), with the male and female perfectly complementing each other in the God-ordained covenant of marriage.

However, I wish to instead emphasize what is most important to God. That is salvation of souls, because this world is not our final stop. He is longsuffering to usward, willing that none perish but that all come to repentance.(2 Peter 3:9) He continues to patiently love us despite our turning away from Him, and we must be active in sharing the Gospel with others of God's love and forgiveness.
There will doubtlessly the people who claim America is headed for judgment. Well, that is up to God, but in the meantime, let us remember that when we pray for repentance revival for this nation, we must recall that we, too, are sinners. We had problems with people who refused to accept that we were all one race - the human race - in Ferguson, Baltimore, Charleston, etc., as well as for decades and decades before that. So many painful things have gripped us because of the sins of the last four hundred years that it would be an insult to God if we pretend we were righteous until the last 40 hours, or even until the last 40 years. The Bible says in Romans 3:10 there is none righteous, no not one.
So, let us unite at the cross of Jesus Christ. Because, it is the cross of Jesus which will draw believers to the cross of Christ through God's perfect love.
See, each of us needs the cross. Yes, it extends to those who are too young to understand the need to be saved. However, for all of us, that cross is what we deserve for our sins. We should never pretend one group of sinners is worse than another. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23. And, the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23.
It was while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.Romans 5:8. He expects us to come with a penitent heart, and to accept that we are sinners in need of His salvation, and cannot get saved and cannot go to Heaven without him.
So, I ask a simple question. It is a question you can ask people who want to spark arguments about marriage, so we don't diverge so much and keep focused on the Gospel. That question is this: Suppose you were the only person alive? Now, sin can be against other people too, but I want to use that as a starting point. Have you ever unjustly accused someone? Where once you knew the facts you understood they had a reason, like cutting you off in traffic because they were rushing to the hospital to see a sick relative? I have, maybe not the driving one but something similar? Have you ever told a lie? We all have. Ever been angry with someone without a cause?

Sin is everything we say, think, or do that displeases God. We are all guilty, and a price had to be paid. Thankfully, Jesus Christ bared our sins in his body.1st Peter 2:24.

This is what we must be telling those on all sides of the marriage debate. Let us pray that people will come to Jesus. Because, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new. 2nd Corinthians 5:17.  Once that person that's Jesus change them on the inside, doesn't it make sense that if they are being truly humble, and the Bible says that it is wrong to have sex with the same gender, the Lord will convict them of sin and lead then to forsake it? Of course.

Should we stand on the truth of God's word?  Most certainly. But we must also remember that our job is to be ambassadors who have the message of reconciliation.(2 Cor.5:17-21)

In other words, we must urge people to be reconciled to God as we have been reconciled, even though we were enemies of God because of our sin. We must guide them to become reconciled by receiving Jesus Christ as Savior, and how He died on the cross to take the punishment for their sin and then rising from the dead so they could be reconciled to Him. But, it is God who does the work on the inside of the person. It is God who convicts of sin. The Holy Spirit is even on the earth to, among other things, convict the world(unbelievers) of sin,(John 16:7-12) so we don't even need to do that. Our job is to preach the whole counsel of God(so the Spirit can move in His Word and have that impact), but they are far more likely to trust Jesus Christ as Savior because they see the love we have for them, and in turn the unconditional love God has for them.

Because, for this nation to be a Godly nation, we must be dedicated to living for the Lord, and to being examples of Jesus Christ. Repentance revival doesn't begin with laws, any more than salvation can come because of the law. Repentance revival begins with the Church falling on its knees before God and repenting and turning back to Him.

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